Total Questions: 35
Time: 1 hr.
Section – 1 : Patterns, Analogy and Classification, Geometrical Shapes, Mirror and Water Images, Direction Sense Test, Ranking Test, Alphabet Test, Logical Sequence of Words, Puzzle Test, Coding-Decoding.
Section – 2 : Input and Output Devices, Hardware, Software, Storage Devices, Memory –Primary & Secondary Memory, MS-Paint, Introduction to Multimedia, MS-Word (Paragraph formatting Using Paragraph group, Drop Cap, Document Views, Inserting Graphics-Pictures and Shapes, Screenshots, Symbols, SmartArt, Multimedia Objects, Text Box, Inserting Header and Footer in a document and exploring its features), Introduction to MS-PowerPoint(Component of MS-PowerPoint window and its features, Inserting Graphics-Pictures and Shapes, Screenshots, Symbols, SmartArt, Multimedia Objects, Text Box, Inserting Header & Footer and exploring its features, Running slide shows, Presentation Views), Internet, Computer Networks, Using Windows 10, Latest Developments in the Field of IT.